
Out of a common interest, a bunch of us have found joy in photographing and creating stories using our “little’uns” (fashion dolls, barbies, bjds, action men, cuddly toys and anything else that comes to hand). It’s a run-wot-you-brung mentality to storytelling!

Please click HERE for our friendly Welcome post and more information.

And HERE for our guidelines for potential authors.


"Some musicians make a whole bundle of money and put it up their nose. I put mine in your ears."
Frank Zappa

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Oh noes! Poor Bonesy!

 Bonesy cried inconsolably - although Lily tried her best to do so.
"There, there poor bonesy-chops!"

"It was horrible! So horrible! I was terrified I tell you! Terrified!"
"Well, it must have been very scary for you."
Jess seemed less convinced, but then the house skellington was rather prone to exaggeration.

"I'm sure it was quite a shock." Jess tried to sympathise as best she could.

"Th-there I was, m-mi-minding my own bu-business...." Bonesy sobbed and wailed, as he tried once again to stutter the fearful story out of his mouth...

"Poor, poor Bonesy! Take your time! Deep breaths now!"

"Oh dear." Kiko felt a little guilty. "I didn't think he'd take it so badly."
"Ah well." Eliza remarked, trying to stifle a little smile as she looked up from her book.

 Secretly, she thought that things had worked out rather well indeed...

Will we ever find out what horror was inflicted upon our usually cheerful and cheeky House Skellington? It might take Bonesy a few weeks to calm down sufficiently to explain what had turned him into a gibbering wreck, but stay tuned to Small Doll-Big World! to find out!

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